I must say this year has been one of the most difficult years I had in a very long time; I should add, that it has been for many people as well.
I hope my life experiences, good and bad, help me to grow as a better human being.
I believe part of growing old should include a better understanding about life as a whole, that no matter how hard things become you are able to overcome hardship in order to renew expectations so you can keep going forward.
One aspect of this transition is reflected in how you deal with others.
It is so refreshing for the soul to encounter people who irradiate how happy they feel as soon you engage in a conversation with them. As imperfect as you are, they are able to look at you in a very positive way, trying not to judge you but to trust you, not to assume your pain but to kindly embrace you, not to make you feel broken but to make you feel worthy.
If we do not try to hug each other emotionally, then, we better should not; because by doing the opposite we will be reflecting our own pain onto others in a misguided way.
This is a personal collection of poems, short stories and essays that I have written. They are about life......people.....love...... I will post my poems and other short stories from day to day, whenever my muse pays me a visit. Sometimes the work will be in English, and sometimes it will be in Spanish. My muse is also bilingual.
Esta es una colección personal de poemas, cuentos cortos y ensayos que he escrito. Hablan de la vida.......la gente......el amor...... Colocaré mis cuentos y poemas de día a día, cuando mi musa decida visitarme. Agunas veces el trabajo será en inglés, y algunas veces en español. Mi musa también es bilingue.