This is a personal collection of poems, short stories and essays that I have written. They are about I will post my poems and other short stories from day to day, whenever my muse pays me a visit. Sometimes the work will be in English, and sometimes it will be in Spanish. My muse is also bilingual.

Esta es una colección personal de poemas, cuentos cortos y ensayos que he escrito. Hablan de la gente......el amor...... Colocaré mis cuentos y poemas de día a día, cuando mi musa decida visitarme. Agunas veces el trabajo será en inglés, y algunas veces en español. Mi musa también es bilingue.

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008


Immersing carelessly into my life
Has taken its toll for my soul.
I do not recognize myself sometimes
In this entangled web of disillusions.

This marching band has no drum, no fife
No silver bells, no brass, no gold.
I am only left with memories of times
When life was a basket full of illusions.

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2008

El Cuento Del Unicornio y El Bosque Encantado

Con la mirada clavada en el azul profundo de aquella quebrada, en donde el agua necia se resistía a ceder a la corriente, Jorsi, nuestro héroe, apreciaba el reflejo de su rostro. Aquel mismo rostro que había sido testigo de tantas batallas en el pasado y que le habían forjado esas cicatrices como trofeos de guerra, que le permitían esguirse esbelto ante el insolente viento del oeste.
Se había detenido a tomar un sorbo de agua pero la penetrante lanza de su mirada lo hizo detener el tiempo, y retrocedió hacia adentro embarcándose en un viaje de recuerdos y dolores, de sueños y suelos de piedra, de almas símiles y bestias imbéciles, en fin..... de vida.
Jorsi recordaba con vividéz su niñez tan llena de pasajes surrealistas en donde no se le permitía correr libre con la cara al viento, como lo hacían los demás. No comprendía porque tenía que estar sujeto a aquella vil soga que lo obligaba a quedarse atado, inmóvil, sin tener la mas mínima idea del por qué. Pero Jorsi, creció y rompió aquellas ligaduras que le robaron su infancia.
"El dolor duele pero forja caracteres" le dijeron.
Se convirtió en un bello unicornio; pero como todo unicornio, su precioso cuerno de añil lo elevaba por encima de las demás bestias del bosque, y a menudo su atributo más valioso era también su maldición.
Pero nació unicornio y comprendía su misión.
Ustedes sabrán que los unicornios nacen con un alma transparente y un corazón dorado, pero también nacen con la habilidad de comprender todo, y es por eso, cuando el sentido común brilla por su ausencia, el unicornio embiste impaciente intentando hacer entender a las demas bestias imbéciles del bosque.
Pero el bosque está encantado y no se puede romper el maldito hechizo que mantiene prisioneros a los demás.
Jorsi poseía un espíritu rebelde y bohemio, feliz y desinteresado del mañana, inestable como un huracán pero apasionado como un fuego inestinguible. Era un ejemplar perfecto de lo que no cabe, un ser desahuciado, una oveja que no sabía como balar.
Y es por eso que le dolía el alma a veces y derramaba amargas lágrimas de cólera como si fuera su culpa el no ser imbécil como los demás.
"No desmayes bestia sublime, que tus alas no te dejan tocar el estiércol al pasar por la ciénaga inmunda; no olvides que el bosque esta encantado y que no te afecta como a las demás bestias insulsas. El bosque encantado es malo y a veces te quiebra el espíritu pero no te puede vencer porque naciste unicornio y tú estas excluído de la imbecilidad."
Jorsi se irguió y elevó su mirada hacia el despejado cielo. Había escuchado la voz de la razón, la voz de la verdad, su propia voz. Y se fué galopando hacia lo profundo del bosque encantado a retozar con las bestias imbéciles otra vez.


viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008


All He could see was the sea of misery and pain all over the land,
And blood clogging the pores of the earth stealing its last breath.
Mother Nature was like a screaming Banshee wondering around
Hopelessly trying to rescue until the last ounce of clean air.

He saw that the animals were very quiet lying on the hot sand,
With their eyes wide open staring sadly waiting for death.
All their beautiful voices have been stolen from the ground
Only that horrible silence He could hear without flair.

"What have they done?" He screeched putting up His hand
slamming it against the clouds, unleashing His wreath.
The stars all shook making a loud and deafening sound
Until everything we know became to be a silent lair.

jueves, 13 de marzo de 2008


Todo lo que aqueja está tan lejano
Que no deja de palpitar el corazón
Por esa mujer que me toma de la mano
A un lugar donde no existe la razón.

Es un paraíso mágico de emociones
Donde me pierdo envuelto en tus caricias,
Es un mundo loco sin inhibiciones
En donde todo lo prohíbido tu inicias.

No quiero que se acabe esta dulce hora
Porque me desbordo en deseos febriles
Al pensar que tú, mi amor, eres mía ahora
Por hoy, siempre y por todos los abriles.

No me importan las miradas acusantes,
Ni me interesan las lenguas malhabladas,
Prefiero vivir este momento no sin antes
Probar esa dulzura de tus labios endiablada.

Tu me ensenaste a sentir de nuevo
Aquellas perdidas emociones primales,
Por eso tu nombre prendido llevo
Para siempre y en todas las eternidades.

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008


Past are the many episodes that molded my crooked being
Resting in peace wherever I chose to leave them.
I came out of my old skin like a shed snake in the grass
Hoping one day I forgot all those deeds that ashamed me.

Life is not a canvas to paint only glorious passages
It is a recollection of pieces scattered all over.
It is a collage of evils and goods stuck together
Impossible to pretend they are only ghosts.

I proclaim my manhood today because I know
When to feel the pain and being able to look behind it;
How to rejoice in the magnitude of my benevolence;
Where to look for new awes so my spirit can delight.

martes, 11 de marzo de 2008


I have thought of the wondering sighs that my heart could not silent anymore
Or the seas of sorrows that my eyes could not keep flowing forever.
I stood at the bottom of the darkest pit wondering if there is going to be light
Around all this emptiness.
But my valiant soul decided to fight vehemently instead of feeling sore
And grab me by my deepest sense of self worth to swear that never
Should I be alone in this corrupted hour of my life because I have the right
To drink from this glass of happiness.
If you look inside me you will see a golden heart waiting to shine
If you look into my eyes you will see heaven coming to earth
If I stood at the top of the tallest mountain I would grab the moon and the stars
To make a tiara for you.
I understand now that life can be enjoyable like a glass of wine
And so many things I can do en experience to feel myself pert
I deserve to live once again; I owe to myself to be free of these ugly scars
So I can show the real me to you.

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008


Maybe they are there when we glance our first peep
And grow along with us in the deepest caverns of our soul,
Maybe we feed them with our fragile and inept will
Ant take over our common sense making us fail miserably.
I do not know why they pretend to be us even in our sleep
And create havoc leaving everything dark and cold,
I do not know why we leave them run berserk at their will
An destroy the decent and valuable we covet so dearly.

Damn you!
I deserve to love freely without your monstrous shadows on my back,
I own it to all the beautiful ones who gave me their hearts.
Do not pretend to be me because you are certainly not,
Do not circle around me when I am in my weakest hour.

Damn you!
Go and hide under the filthiest rock and never comeback,
Stop aiming at me with your venomous darts.
Die a horrible death at once, because I will not
Succumb to your perverted ways, you will not devour
My essence. No, you will not.
Damn you!

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008

The Amazing Story of Rasup the Goat and Chetile the Unicorn

The forest was full of noises, of course, since it was home to all the creatures that made it their home. But one particular day something was brewing underneath the crisp and watery foliage of the trees. And there is where we find our character Rasup the goat prancing around like if tomorrow was only an adverb of time. He was a fine specimen whose life had left him with the scars to show for. In spite of everything, Rasup was a content, happy go lucky goat, going here, doing that, talking to everybody he encountered, restless but fun to be around.
From all the creatures that lived in this fabulous place, our goat had made a special friendship with a beautiful unicorn named Chetile. She was special because only unicorns posses a magical horn; besides, there were not many unicorns left in the forest. She was a rare specimen indeed. Chetile was kind (Did I tell you unicorns have a golden heart?) and would give her life in order to save another creature (That was the reason why there were not many unicorns anymore).
Rasup and Chetile enjoyed the company of each other and their friendship came to be a beautiful song that only the Quetzal could sing. Mind you, humans are not able to listen to the harmonious voice of that amazing bird. So life in that magical place was good, and Rasup loved Chetile and Chetile loved Rasup. They loved each other very much, and their love was real.
But sometimes we tend to take things for granted, and a goat can not help it but to be a goat. Chetile knew a secret place in the forest where she used to go and have plenty of food to eat and where the water had a sweet taste. She confided in Rasup about this secret spot and shared it with him. Rasup ate and drank from this hidden oasis; and instead of being satisfied, he started to look around other places were it was food and water also. I have to tell you, Rasup never intended to go to those other places, he only wanted to look around out of curiosity. Silly goat! Rasup knew very well that he had found the perfect place for him, and that place was with Chetile. That was the truth because his heart had told him so.
Chetile found out what the goat was up to and, with a broken heart, she felt betrayed by Rasup. She could not understand why Rasup have looked other places if she had provided him with the best of all places. Her heart was full of anger and mistrust. She told Rasup to go away. The goat could not find a rock big enough to crawl under. He knew he had made as big mistake, and tried to plea for forgiveness from the sad unicorn.
Suddenly their universe had turn upside down. Everything seemed uncertain.
What will happen next?
Rasup would not eat anything and cried the whole day thinking how he could have been so dumb. He was about to lose the love of his life for a stupid mistake.
The unicorn went to the top of the hill at night and stare at the bright stars.
Could her golden heart be able to forgive Rasup?
Will our Chetile find a way to trust Rasup again?
Was that mistake big enough to end that beautiful relationship?
I do not know the answers to those questions. Only Chetile did.

You see, the forest is full of creatures, and it is very noisy at times. As creatures we get distracted sometimes. I wish life was easy and scripted, but it is not. We write the script. So it is up to us, with all our imperfections, to try to make sense out of all of it.
What do I know?


viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008


El pasado no volvió..........
siempre estuvo allí.
Nos moldeó como arcilla para crear nuevas historias.
El pasado es sagrado.........
porque no volverá jamás,
pero nos sacudió estrellándonos insulsos mortales.
El pasado es futuro..........
escondido en nuestras entrañas,
como un génesis esperando germinar otra vez.
El pasado es agridulce.......
porque lo tuvimos que tragar,
forzándonos a crear un nuevo ente listo para ir al frente
a batallar ora vez...........

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008


All the sudden when I open my eyes in the morning hours
An life reclaims to dry out my spirit in the same routine
Seems to be another kind of feeling that surrounds me suddenly
And make my sore heart sing aloud with a tremendous voice
Since I have found you.

This is the time that we longed and now we can claim ours
This is the chance to let our spirits soar freely without being
Questioned, or let the ungrateful guilt emerge so ever carelessly
To impede our bodies from dancing the music of our choice
Since I have found you.

Life seems so fresh and eager to taste those sweet pleasures
Strangers pass along like people without faces
Soothing feelings caress so tenderly my entirely soul
A smile is being drawn back into my stoned face
Since I have found you.

Let those deep and secret desires come out without measures
So our hearts can be finally untied from those miserable laces
And maybe at the end we can claim our dignity unsold
Because we had the courage yo love with grace
Since I have found you.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008


Sollozo cuando pienso en la inmensidad
de tus ojos tan hermosos al mirarme
quebrando mi dócil espíritu sin piedad
y doblegando mis emociones sin quejarme.

No existe un furor más fuerte
que la llama de tus ojos al posarse
sobre mi febril alma sin suerte
que pareciera una flor al deshojarse.

La escena del amanecer no tiene comparación
a la belleza que otorga tu mirada,
esos dos soles en tu cara son la canción
que alegra toda mi vida inspirada.

Cada vez que me miras me pierdo
en el universo de tu sensualidad
y cuando despierto apenas me acuerdo
quien soy yo enmedio de mi soledad.

No dejes de mirarme mi dulce dama
que tus ojos han llegado a salvarme
del oprobio que a mi vida me reclama.
Pero tus ojos, la paz han sabido darme.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2008


Life can be so unpredictable
Like a sudden drizzle in the afternoon
Or a look that takes your breath away.
Since my eyes have not been able
Yet to see the stars and the moon
I only dream about that fateful day.

I know it will be an unforgettable scene
I imagine you walking into my life
And never wanted again to be apart.
Because of my fears I have not seen
Nor experience the beauty of life,
But now you can draw smiles in my heart.

lunes, 3 de marzo de 2008


Trying to look pass the shadows of my lonely nights
Waiting to find that gentle soul like a precious gem
Yearning to have the sweetness of a kiss once again
Hoping to embrace the warmth of a delicate skin
.............. it was you!
The only soul who could put an end to my sighs
The only angel that smiles so tenderly, and then
Dry the tears rolling down my face, so I regain
The will to turn my life once again in a eternal spring
............... it was you!